Wednesday, June 9, 2010

It has rained all night and all day. Not a storm just constant rain. I have a chill from it all. Yet Steve is warm. Makes it hard to regulate house temperature.
The poison ivy is healing and the face is not peeling from the sun burn. All seems to be going well. That's why I am feeling restless. I keep thinking something is about to happen.
I have been transplanting my little zinnia plantlets that I started from seeds. They are so cute and I sure hope they live to be flowers.
I'm reading a John Irving book, A Prayer for Owen Meany. It's pretty good as far as a memory of childhood goes. It just is so hard to keep interested. Being a girl and having girl memories makes it hard to reconcile boy memories to my girl memories.
I am looking forward to seeing my nephew and niece for a baby shower next week end. The 19th. I haven't received and invitation yet, so I don't have time or place yet. I have already bought the little guy a gift.
My mine is getting as boring as this post. Later!

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