Thursday, July 31, 2008

Still doing the learning thingy

I am just making entries now to keep on top of what I've learned so far. It has threatened to rain for the whole week and so far no rain. It looks like it just may happen today.

We the sister in laws are going to see Mamma Mia today. I am looking forward to it!

We babysit the grandkids Sat. so that should be fun!

I am going to add a picture ......... Again I didn't know where it would pop up. I think there is a place where I can edit it???? Anyway, this is a sample of my cobalt collection with some of my garden flowers.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Going Going Gone

Again I have lost a new post. At least the server "blogger" gave me an error message this time. It seems I double clicked when I shouldn't have.

So it seems my travels this year have been to the border towns around Ohio. We have tripped to W.V. Kentucky, and Indiana in search of the illusive lottery winning tickets. These trips are really little go steve trips. I prefer true vacation trips. Alas, those probably will not happen this year.

The grandkids and oldest daughter go to a man made lake near them and the kids want us to come sometime. Hopefully, we will be able to make it before summer is out.
I have added a cheery profusion zinnia to brighten the day. So it's not in the position I want. at least it's here! Now to try to publish post!
good day to all

LittleGo is not going

I don't think I will be making any vacation trips again this year. It seems we just can't seem to make plans and keep them.

The little go lynda trips have been little go steve to get lottery tickets trips. I think I've seen all the border towns of WV, Kentucky and Indiana this summer.

I hope to make one short trip to a man made lake the grandkids and daughter belong to. They have been asking us to come with them so we may just make it now that the baseball season is over.

Here's some strange thing I dreamt last night. While driving along a red escort wagon with the licsence plate" Burn 2" on it pulled in front of us and we were going to hit it when I woke up with a start/fear of crash!!!!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tuesday July 29,2008

I had some strange dreams last night. They had old friends and neighbors from years ago all meeting and acting like we just saw each other and time had not past.

I've been getting up around 2-3AM every morning and going to the other bedroom to finish out the night. Also, weird.

I am on book number 77 for the year. It takes place in AZ. and I'm beginning to think I like books that take me to other places. The one about a Greek isle really captivated me.

Off to visit a family friend of 43 years. She's been ailing lately so the sisters and I will be taking her to lunch in her little town.

Monday, July 28, 2008

A picture try and another learning day

I am going to try to learn this blog! I went to see the wedding and party pictures from a week end ago. They are really nice and I'm so glad all had a good time. I am going to attempt another picture here........
I took this picture then used Picnik to change the colors. I think it turned out pretty cool.
My learning curve is getting harder and harder but the old brain has to keep active!!!!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

What I did this Weekend

We went to see the Grandboys and because of rain we spent most of the time inside. It was really fun and the boys loved the things we brought them! And of course it was Webkinz time when everyone was tired of being spies and riding stick horses.

I may get this right someday.

My nieceTeri has a blog here with pictures of her son's wedding party and his new baby. Yes, they can both happen at the same time!!

We missed the party to see the boys. Some times old people have a busy social life too!

I lost it all??//

I some how lost all my post again! so here goes

Where do I find my pictures I uploaded now?
Why do i keep losing my posts? I hate to type so this is really a bother!
I'm posting this now as is !

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

New post

I did a whole blog and it went to blog land in the sky I guess. i can't find it. So much for not keeping up and learning this site. May be this will post?????

At the end of the previous draft I wrote that my brain was empty. Well, it still is and I can't remember what I even wrote!!!!

God bless all
I'll try again later